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Zoom Data Stored and Processed

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Upon integration, Poly Lens requires access to specific data sources. The following outlines the details, data fields accessed, their purpose, and whether they are processed or stored.

When Poly Lens calls the Zoom APIs, it receives and processes the data fields below. However, Poly Lens only stores a small portion of this data.

Data SourceData FieldsBusiness Purpose
Access Token and Refresh Token Information* ver: Version of the token
* clientId: Identifier for the client
* code: Authorization code
* iss: Issuer of the token
* authenticationId: Authentication ID
* userId: User ID
* groupNumber: Group number
* aud: Audience for the token
* accountId: Account ID
nbf: Not Before time (when the token is valid from)
* exp: Expiration time
* tokenType: Type of the token
* iat: Issued at time
* jti: Unique token identifier
* toleranceId: Tolerance ID
* Scope: The scope of access granted
Used when granting access to Zoom APIs.
Account Information* User ID
* First Name
* Last Name
* Email
* Account Type
* Role Name
* Personal Meeting URL
* Timezone
* Account Creation Date
* Last Login Time
* Profile Picture URL
* Host Key
* Account ID
* Language
* Phone Country
* Phone Number
* Account Status
Used to determine AccountType and to validate integration.
Token Revocation Status* Revocation StatusUsed to verify if a token is still valid.
Device Information* Device ID
* Device Name
* MAC Address
* Serial Number
* Vendor
* Model
* Platform OS
* App Version
* Tag
* Enrolled in ZDM
* Connected to ZDM
* Room ID
* Room Name
* Device Type
* SDK Version
* Device Status
* Last Online
* User Email
Used to map devices and device status between the Zoom Device Management tool and Poly Lens.
Room Information* Activation Code
* Room ID
* Location ID
* Room Name
* Room Status
* Tag IDs
Used to map rooms and room status between the Zoom Device Management tool and Poly Lens.

The following data fields are both processed and stored in Poly Lens. Great care is taken to ensure that Poly Lens only stores data necessary for enabling experiences related to the Zoom integration.

Data SourceData FieldsBusiness Purpose
Access Token and Refresh Token Information* Access Token JWT
* Refresh Token JWT
* Token Type
* Expiration Date
* Scope
Used when granting access to Zoom APIs.
Account Information* Zoom User IDUsed to validate the integration.
Device Information* Device ID
* Serial Number
* Room ID
* Device Status
Used to map devices and device status between the Zoom Device Management tool and Poly Lens.
Room Information- Room ID
- Room Name
- Room Status
Used to map rooms and room status status between the Zoom Device Management tool and Poly Lens.